Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Family and Love

The word love is so commercialized to the extend that its is hard to remember what exactly is its meaning.

We say I love you to our mothers and fathers. Some times, when our brothers and sisters cross the boundary or ordinary relations and do something special for us they also deserve to be told "I love you". Rarely but there are cases when those we call friends deserve to be looked in the eyes overtaken by tears after our heart has been moved.

None of us has decided that those will be the moments in which we feel the deep feelings which move our entire being to shine and experience deep and inexplicable happiness.

When we meet the love of our lives we do not decide to activate the mechanics of love but in the right circumstances they seem to take control over us.

I write all this because my observations show that what we really can choose in life is a very small percentage from what is just there and happens to us without our having the right to choose.

Who of us has decided to breathe? Who of us decided to breathe exactly oxygen for our whole body to work? Who of us has added so much water so that it makes 2/3rds of our body mass? Who of us is keeping the hear beat?

No matter if we believe or not in some mysterious and convenient power or personality have predestined everything and we can only choose to accept it.

Among other things we did not create and can not control is love. Its easy to observe that newborn can not take care of themselves. They are born not ready for life and it seems that this is so on purpose so that the parents can care for them. The human being is so complex and our development takes so long that most countries have concluded that this care should last until the age of 18.

Interesting!... from everything we said so far there was no mentioning of sex....

Why are we then bombarded with sexual stimuli from the TV, radio, internet and other media?
The reason is simple and blunt as well as very sad.

Business one day found out that if a person is sexually stimulated  /visually or through sounds/ the body release endorphins /natural stimulants/
Being continuously stimulated we remember the brand of vodka or jeans that business is trying to sell us. There is a common saying that "sex sells" but knowing better we could and should say "endorphins sell".
Sex of course has its place in our life and it is not part of the advertizing strategy of an aggressive business or a new form of entertainment.

It is as if everyone today has long forgotten the true names of the so called today "sexual organs" namely the reproductive organs. Our erogenous zones are not the new game console but a Star-gate standing at the entrance of the new life in expectation that all symbols of life will be properly arranged for true happiness and joy to emerge with the new life we will conceive through our loves. 

Want it or not the new life has its origin from the sperm and the egg, but when two people love each other this fact stays in the shadow of the emotions and passion that binds them together.

What I believe is not right is to forget that new life that emerges from that passion will be just as helpless as ours was in the day of our birth. And just like us it will long for the embrace and warmth of mother's milk.

The family is the home of love, expressed this way can we chase away the grandmother and grandfather, mother and father, brothers and sisters and children. It is not always easy to live in understanding, but all of the above mentioned have their place in the family because life is just what it is.

Author: ttineff